Companies have to the Internet today represent professional. The requirements for the web presentation of the hoteliers and owners of holiday homes are steadily rising. Important information must be found quickly. The internal links over short distances give the potential customer the answers that he seek for. The site is a showcase of a company for the world. It should therefore appear only as much information as necessary. On the other hand, company-related in-depth information as an additional offer are quite reasonable.
- Static website Smaller companies can certainly gain enough attention to a static website. Especially when the content rarely changes, this variant is for a good price. For every change you need indeed a programmer,but if it is in a year to make only a few updates, this is still significantly cheaper than dynamic websites. Nevertheless, one should inform thoroughly before deciding on the many disadvantages.
- dynamic website With a dynamic website, preferably with a content management system (CMS), you are always on the safe side. All modern techniques are available. Your website can be developed initially modest structures on a complex project. The separation of structure, design and content can be in creating new products or modification of existing products relatively easily incorporated into the editorial system. A 'child's play', it is nevertheless not a clueless user - only the formatting (exact placement of text and images) and much more can bring as many a newcomer to incandescence.
- Content Management System A CMS is a software for creating and editing dynamic Web sites. The content is stored in databases and dynamically generated at runtime in the web browser. Very popular are the PHP scripting language and the MySQL database. There are a large number of open source products. JOOMLA!, Typo3, Contao and phpWCMS should be mentioned here as an example. Central position is occupied by the
- . There are countless ways to structure, design and functionality of the simplest to the most complicated shape selected as the basis of future construction site.
The analysis of the advertising potential of your company on the one hand and learning about the possible appropriate advertising methods on the other hand is an important process in the beginning before the decision on the selection of the future site. We consult you and guide you in trusting cooperation for the entire period of completion.